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Archive for the tag “presents”

12 Movies of Christmas: Santa’s Ride

By Geeky Gem

Yes, I know Christmas is over and that Santa has packed his sleigh away for another year but it got me thinking what could Santa also use. I sat down and I had a think about what other vehicles Santa could use if he ever wanted to pack the sleigh away for good, so here is another good old list.

Kitt – Knight Rider

Now if Santa ever wanted to rock up and leave your present’s in style this would be the way to do it. Plus he good programme Kitt to tell him if the child at the house had been naughty or nice. Kitt is one of the coolest cars around, and he can talk whats not to like. Go on Santa give it go.

The Van – The A-Team

Now if Santa wanted a bit more room for his sack’s of present’s he would be better of with another 1980’s classic  The A-Team van. It can still pick up seed and has some guns should he come across a stick up or whatever. The Van could really work for him you know.

Batmobile – Batman

If Santa wanted something a bit more Hi-Tech he could always go with frankly awesome Batmobile, it has all the bells and whistles and not only that its fantastic looking. I mean come on who doesn’t want ones theses bad boys to drive around in.

Aladdin’s Magic Carpet – Aladdin

I guess this more of topless vehicle and I am not sure Santa would want to be out in the open in the night’s air in late December. However I guess he could just wear layers and that would keep him warm.

Bumblebee – Transformers

This was an easy choice who doesn’t want a car that can turn into a kick ass robot. Santa may like this for just that reason who knows. At least Bumblebee could talk to him through the radio and keep the evil Autobots ay bay.

They you go Santa just a few ideas for if you eer want yo pack up your sleigh and give the reindeer the night off.

12 Movies of Christmas: Rare Exports

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By @hmsbeefnuts

Hello friends, and welcome to a rare blog, by yours truly. As a special event type thing over this most festive of months, we here at All Geek To Me have decided to look at some of our favourite festive films, 12 in all, in tribute to Santa, Little Baby Jesus and presents. I love Christmas, and this year is turning out to be a good one so far. It’s amazing how the introduction of a four year old child can liven up Christmas time for someone who has had a Scrooge like existence for the last 2 years. One of the best things about spending time with said child is the wealth of Christmas films that we can watch with him. However, my first choice for AGTM’s 12 Movies of Christmas will not be on the agenda for our festive film fests. This choice is a great little Finnish film that is both full of Christmas spirit, and horror, Rare Exports…


Rare Exports is a great little film. The basic premise is thus; On Christmas Eve in Finland, Santa Claus is unearthed in an archaeological dig. Soon after, children start disappearing, leading a boy and his father to capture Santa and, with the help of fellow hunters, they look to sell him back to the corporation that sponsored the dig. And then there’s Santa’s elves, who are determined to free their leader… (Thanks IMDB!!). Sounds pretty cool right?


Well the Santa in this film isn’t giving anyone a Miracle on any street, let alone 34th, and his nice list seems to have gone missing, this St. Nick is very much all about punishing the naughty, so be good, for goodness sake. I really liked this take on the Santa Claus Mythos, it might not be for everyone, but I would recommend giving it a try, as long as you are cool with subtitles, and naked old men.


Anyway, that’s it for this installment, I’ll be back soon to write about another Christmas Movie, maybe Elf or something, well worth looking forward too though I’m sure. Merry Christmas!!

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