All Geek To Me

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Archive for the tag “hawkeye”


By @hmsbeefnuts

Hello, welcome back. This week I am going to focus on books, comic books and the normal type. I don’t usually have a lot of time for reading, but recently, I have found myself reaching for a few books, and even finishing them! I know, how exciting. It is true, the majority of these books have been graphic novels, but still, they count, they definitely count. So without too much fuss, lets just get on with this blog shall we?


This was the first time I had read a Batman story that didn’t involve Bruce Wayne, apart from the Knightfall saga. Dick Grayson is our Batman in this tale of serial murder, crime bosses, dead whales, villain auctions and sons gone bad. I would not want to spoil anything for you, it really is that good. At first I wasn’t sure if Batman would be as compelling without Bruce Wayne, but I needn’t have worried. Dick Grayson is a different kind of character, but no less compelling as the Dark Knight. His past as Robin, Nightwing and a police officer in Bludhaven all come in to play in some sublime story telling by Scott Snyder. In many ways this is the first comic since Batman: Year One that features the Gordon character in such a brilliant way. His story is just as compelling as Batman’s and sometimes even more so. This is one of the best Batman graphic novels I have ever read, and I really didn’t think I would be saying that about a Batman comic that didn’t have Bruce Wayne in it. I urge everyone with an interest in Batman to seek this out, it really is rather special.


In the world of the future, there are no heroes anymore. Most of them have died, and the few who are left aren’t in the hero business anymore. Logan AKA Wolverine, is older, has a family, and hasn’t popped his claws since the supervillains took over. He works a farm that is under the control of The Hulks, and he owes them a lot of rent money. When Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye comes to him with a proposition, Logan takes the seemingly easy job, so he can get the Hulks off his back. Basically a futuristic western, this has The Man With No Name flavour all over it. It is a fantastic tale, which I will not spoil here, that shows us the end of the Marvel heroes as we know them, and an adventure with Logan and Hawkeye. the first of which refuses to release his anger and claws, but you just know that at some point, someone is going to push him too far, he is Wolverine after all. I loved this book, and I would recommend it to anyone. As it doesn’t take place in comic continuity, you don’t need to know loads about the Marvel Universe but a basic knowledge will serve you well.


As soon as I saw The Avengers (I refuse to call it Marvel’s Avengers Assemble), I knew I had to find out who that purple dude with a massive jaw line was. Well turns out he is Thanos, the Mad God, and this was the most recognisable Thanos book out there. Basic story is, after collecting all the Infinity Gems, and placing them in the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos tries to impress his lady love Death. The gauntlet and gems give him ultimate power over everything and everyone in the universe and beyond, a power he uses to try to get the attention of the afore-mentioned Death. Of course this causes many problems for the heroes of Earth and beyond, so it’s time for a huge super hero smack down to stop Thanos before he destroys everything. This was my first proper taste of intergalactic Marvelness, and I have to say, it was pretty amazing. I love a good hero team up, and when all of Earths mightiest heroes team up with the galaxies strongest, fun is sure to be had. I will admit to not knowing a few of the characters back stories, but as I have been reading some classic Marvel recently, I knew most of the characters featured. I think that sometimes, diving in to a graphic novel fresh, can be a bit daunting, but it pays off often, and leads you on to discover more amazing adventures featuring characters you may never have thought about before. The Infinity Gauntlet is well worth checking out, particularly if you have an interest in the possible future direction of Marvel Phase Two movies.

That’s just about it for this week, I’ll see you again next week for more Whimsy of a Wednesday variety.


BY @hmsbeefnuts

You’ve see The Avengers by now, maybe more than once, I know I have. It was great, amazing, everything that it should have been and more. Quite simply, it was an unbelievable feat of planning and execution. Marvel deserve to be praised to Asguard for what they have accomplished. But their great success also creates problems, namely, in a universe where many superheroes exist, and have proven that they can work together, why wouldn’t they help each other all the time? Why would Ironman or Captain America ever have to face a threat on their own, now that they can call on an Avenger team mate to help them out? If Red Skull comes back to threaten the world, why wouldn’t Cap call in Tony Stark to lend a hand? It is a bit of a problem, but I think there are ways around it.

In the next few years we will be enjoying Thor 2, Ironman 3, Captain America 2 and perhaps, due to the fact he totally owned the Avengers, another Hulk film. All these films will, I imagine, lead up to an Avengers sequel, and if you stayed to see the post credits sequence from the first film, well, you know that shit is going to go down. I am by no means a Marvel expert, but I have loved these series of films, and here is my chance to discuss how I would like to see these films go in the future, and how I think the single hero problem can be resolved.

Ironman 3 is going to be the next Marvel film, and Ben Kingsley is rumoured to be playing the Mandarin. If this is so, it would pay off on the Ten Rings terrorist organisation from the original Ironman. Thor has already brought ‘magic’ into the Marvel Universe, and so at this point, The Mandarin and his magic rings are not too far fetched. If Tony faces off against the Mandarin, I think he could do with some advice, perhaps an expert in the magical arts could be sourced out, perhaps by SHIELD, one Dr. Steven Strange. An extended cameo from the Sorcerer Supreme would be all that is needed to introduce audiences to a wider universe. Also, out friend from the post credits sequence could also be involved in some way, using more earthly foes to find the weaknesses of Tony Stark. The film could end with Ironman triumphant, having made a new friend, but not defeating the hidden puppet master…


Captain America 2 could take place in the same time period as Ironman 3. This would cover the fact that these two Avengers, although facing global threats, do not seek help from each other, they have their own problems to deal with. Likewise, I would set Thor 2 and Hulk during the same period, with our mysterious enemy pulling the strings of the foes that each Avenger faces in their sequels. In Cap 2, I would include Hawkeye and Black Widow, at least in some of the movie. Captain America feels like he would work far more closely with SHEILD, perhaps against Baron Zemo, or a resurrected Red Skull and HYDRA. Whilst this is going on, and Stark is fighting Mandarin, Bruce Banner is in a Stark Industries R&D lab in Africa.

The sequel to the Hulk is most tricky of all, and I think that the Hulk works best when he has someone to play off with. Can I suggest Hank Pym, and his wife? Pym is of course Antman, but is also the Scientist Supreme and has many other powers and interesting facets apart from talking to ants. Pym and Banner could be working on nano-technology that will better help Banner to control, or perhaps, educate his savage alter ego. Whilst in Africa a mysterious energy source can be found in the hidden kingdom of Wakanda, introducing soon to be Avenger Black Panther. A power source that is pricking the interest of more than earthly forces. The Citauri can be at work in Wakanda laying the ground work for another, more successful invasion of Earth using the power source. Luckily Hulk, Pym and Black Panther are on hand to stop things. Nick Fury can show up in the end to inform Hulk et al that they are once again needed, as a messenger from Asguard bring grim news. Thor has had his own problems in Asguard.

Loki can take a break from big bad guy duties in Thor 2. I think that the mysterious Avengers puppet master could reveal himself fully in Thor 2, which would take place entirely off Earth, in Asguard and other worlds. The big bad, could attack Asguard, in revenge for Loki’s poor performance, and as he realises that the Asguardians are a dangerous foe that must be wiped out first. I would have Thor 2 end on a downer, with Asguard all but destroyed and the enemy triumphant, the Asguardian Royal family, and Thor’s friends taken in chains, and Thor managing to escape to Earth to warn SHEILD of the greater threat to Earth that is heading their way, referred to in the post credits sequence of Hulk.

Avengers 2 would then kick off with all our regular heroes assembling to face this intergalactic threat which has already defeated Asguard. Added to the roster Black Panther, Dr. Strange, Hank Pym and Wasp. Avengers 2 could end with the group infighting about a new Government act for the registration of Super humans. This would lead up to a third Avengers movie, which follows the events of the graphic novel Civil War. Now this is just one way that things could pan out, and I’m sure that it won’t be the right way. It would solve the single hero problem though, if all the heroes were otherwise engaged in separate battles. That’s my two cents worth, what do you think?

Avenging April: What All The Fuss Was About: Avengers Assessments

By @hmsbeefnuts

Thursday afternoon, April 26th , I watched The Avengers, it was around 3 hours ago now that the film finished, and I’m still buzzing from the spectacle. Rest assured that The Avengers is very very good indeed. Everything that the previous 5 Marvel films promised, has been fulfilled by what is quite simply one of the most spectacular films that I have ever seen. Now I know I’m still buzzing from the film, a lot of what I type may be new film glaze, but I don’t think so. I will be seeing the film again on Saturday, this time in IMAX 3D, and I can’t wait, but we shall see if the aura of the Avengers will diminish the second time. I seriously doubt it.

I will not spoil plot points or secrets with you here, I think it’s only fair if you experience it all yourself, and there are plenty of reviews to read around the web anyway full of spoilers. Also, I’m not the kind of fan boy who wants to declare a winner of the summer, I’m not going to decry Amazing Spider-man, or The Dark Knight Rises. The Avengers may be the most spectacular film this summer, especially for comic fans, but I’m sure The Dark Knight is going to be equally as great, and Amazing Spider-man, well, here’s hoping. What I will say is, if you have ever enjoyed a Marvel film, then go and see this on the big screen, it needs to be seen big, and loud, do not wait for Blu-ray, DVD, or TV.


As my oldest mate and I sat in the cinema before hand, I was slightly apprehensive. Could this film live up to my incredibly high expectations? I needn’t have worried, Avengers delivered, and delivered big. If I can interject here with a point. This is the kind of film that is best enjoyed with your friends, or loved ones. Go see it in a big group, go see it with your childhood friend, go see it with your kids or little brother and sister. There are few things I enjoy more than seeing a brilliant film with a mate, a girlfriend, my Mum, or Dad, Avengers is that kind of film. It is a visual expression of childhood glee, it is every game you played in the playground, arguing over who would be Thor, or The Hulk. I can’t believe that Marvel and Joss Whedon pulled it off, something that should have been very hard, almost impossible.

All the heroes get their moment to shine, even those with out powers. Whedon pulls off the group dynamic perfectly. These heroes aren’t friends, they argue, they fight, but when it comes to the crunch, they pull together and kick some major bad guy ass. I don’t know what my favourite bit was, there were so many. Hulk and Thor, Hulk and Loki, Cap and Agent Coulson, any time Tony Stark is on screen. It would have been easy to turn this into Ironman 3, or the Tony Stark show, but it is not that at all.

The Hulk could be the star, certainly, I felt that he had many of the greatest moments. The BEST Hulk in anything ever, there simply has to be a Hulk sequel with this Hulk, he was awesome. The CGI was incredible, and suitably epic. I’m finding it very hard to talk about things without spoiling stuff, so I will try to not go on for too long. I can’t wait to see where the Marvel films go next, now that The Avengers are established, I can’t wait to see an Ironman 3, Thor 2, Cap 2 and Hulk 2 (3?), and a sequel to The Avengers. Marvel have done something incredible with these films, a fan boys wet dream. Right now I would say that this is my favourite Marvel film, overtaking Captain America, but a second, third and fourth viewing will confirm this. As for now, all I can say is that The Avengers is worth your money, worth your time and worth your attention. DC should be taking notes from Marvel. I want to see a Justice League movie that is this good. I want to see Batman, Green Lantern and Superman working together as well as Ironman, Cap and Hulk. With Nolan’s take on Batman coming to an end, and a reboot for the Bat franchise probably in the works, now is the time to lay the foundations of a Justice League team up movie. I liked Green Lantern, I have high hopes for Man of Steel, lets hope DC can do as good a job as Marvel, even though they seemingly have a harder task, with DC heroes being slightly harder to translate.

Writing this has made me want to go and see it again. I can’t wait until Saturday. The Summer is shaping up to be epic. The Avengers is a hard act to follow, but I can’t wait to see what Marvel has in store.

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